The Transformation

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's Completed!

The Outdoor Classroom is complete!!!
The walkway looks fantastic, the landscaping is inviting, giftbricks are installed, and the grass is growing in beautifully. Come on up the hill and check it out!

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony scheduled for October 22nd at 2:30 and 3:00.
Please attend one of these grand openings for this new addition!

A huge THANK YOU to our fantastic Outdoor Classroom team! Without you all this project would have never become a reality. Here are the key players:

Funding provided by: Brookfield Elementary PTO and a plethora of parents
Facilitated by: Tom Knopp
Designed by: Jay Knetter
Landscaped by: Larry Hipp
Walkway Created by: Jeff and Marvin Cain
Constructed by: Isaac at F.Green
Materials Furnished by: County Materials